Eyewash Stations/Showers

Portable Eyewashes
Barrier-Free Eyewash Stations/Showers
Cederroth® Eyewash Bottles
Emergency Showers
Eye/Face Wash Stations
Faucet Mounted Eyewash Stations
Flash Flood
Laboratory Eye/Face Wash Station
Porta-Stream I & II
Portable/Pressurized Eyewash
Pure Flow 1000® Eyewash Station
Safety Matting for Eyewash/Shower Stations
Thermostatic Mixing Valves
Wall Mounted Eyewash Unit
Wall Stations
The first 10 to 15 seconds after exposure to a hazardous substance, especially a corrosive substance, are critical.
Delaying treatment, even for a few seconds, may cause serious injury.
Emergency showers and eyewash stations provide on-the-spot decontamination. They allow workers to flush away
hazardous substances that can cause injury.