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Relief Step™ Suspension Trauma Straps, Case/QtY: 3


Relief Step™ Suspension Trauma Straps

Case/Qty: 3

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Relief Step™ Suspension Trauma Straps

Case/Qty: 3

Free Shipping


Allows the user to "stand up" in their harness, permitting the ability to move and flex leg muscles

Provides support and enhances blood circulation until rescue

Small and lightweight, can be attached to any brand of full-body harness

Utilizing two devices per harness (one for each leg/foot) is recommended to assure greater user comfort


Easy to Deploy & Use

Step 1 - Pull tab to deploy.

Step 2 - Insert foot into loop step and adjust.

Step 3 - Ability to stand allowing improved circulation.

Step 4 - Two Relief Step™ devices provide added support, balance and comfort

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