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SaniBulb™, 25W Warm White (2700 K) 100W Incandescent Bulb Replacement




25W Warm White (2700 K)

100W Incandescent Bulb Replacement,

Reduces Carbon Footprint.

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25W Warm White (2700 K)

100W Incandescent Bulb Replacement,

Reduces Carbon Footprint.

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SaniBulb™ Air Sanitizing, Purifying, Deodorizing & Energy Saving CFL Lights

Cleaning your Air, Saving you Money & Saving our Planet, One Bulb at a Time™!



Kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold spores & dust mites

Reduces allergens & irritants like pollen & dander

Breaks down pollutants into harmless components

Eliminates odors without masking them with fragrances

Healthy alternative to harmful chemical based products

Helps fight global warming & deadly pollution

Eliminates lighting carbon footprint with free carbon offsets

Significantly reduces your total carbon footprint

Helps comply with OSHA indoor air quality regulations

Reduces energy consumption by 75%

Enjoy savings of over $350/bulb during its lifespan

Lasts 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs

High quality, instant on, flicker free warm inviting lighting

Produces less heat & reduces fire hazards

Quiet operation with no filters or maintenance

Helps combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Fits into any standard light bulb socket

Suitable for consumer & commercial applications


Poor Indoor Air Quality is a Serious Health Hazard

No home or business environment is immune to poor indoor air quality problems. Firstly, this could result from biological contamination caused by living organisms such as bacteria, viruses, mold, pollen, dust mites and insect droppings that accumulate in ducts, carpeting, insulation and drains. Secondly, it can be caused by volatile organic compound (VOC) and chemical emissions resulting from the use of products such as cleaners, disinfectants, perfumes, air fresheners, hair sprays, cigarettes, insecticides, paint, carpets, adhesives, and laminated furniture. Thirdly, equipment such as stoves, furnaces, space heaters, printers, copy machines and various manufacturing processes can also emit noxious chemical and particulate contaminants.

Unfortunately, most ventilation systems only recirculate room air and remove large particulate matter such as dirt, dust and lint. Noxious odors, pollutants and germs are left free to recirculate in the air you breathe. Over time, they could increase in concentration and result in serious indoor air pollution problems e.g. sick building syndrome.

According to the EPA, "indoor pollution can be as much as 100 times greater than outdoors." Research performed by the World Health Organization indicates over 30 percent of buildings worldwide are affected by contaminated indoor air. Since most people spend close to 90% of their time indoors and breathe about 20,000 liters of air/day, indoor air pollution poses a serious health risk. Medical problems that have been associated with poor indoor air quality include dizziness, headaches, eye, nose or throat irritation, dry or itchy skin, nausea, shortness of breath, difficulty in concentrating, fatigue, sensitivity to odors, allergies, asthma, depression, and chronic illnesses.


Light your way to a Cleaner & Energy Efficient Future

In a bold move to address poor indoor air quality problems, IMTEK has introduced a revolutionary new product, SaniBulb™, which combines the energy saving compact fluorescent (CFL) lamp technology with state of the art electronic and nano photocatalytic technology. This innovative multi-tasking light bulb sanitizes, purifies and deodorizers the air harnessing the power of light while saving energy and reducing pollution! SaniBulb™ empowers every individual and organization with a simple and cost effective way to improve indoor air quality while fighting global warming.


Indoor Air Quality Benefits from Switching to SaniBulb™

SaniBulb™ Kills Germs

SaniBulb™ will sanitize your air by killing various microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold spores and dust mites without the use of any harmful chemical sanitizers. The next generation sanitizing coating on this bulb not only kills germs, but also decomposes the cell itself along with any toxic products. SaniBulb™ will effectively decrease the spread of germs and minimize sick days. Germs cannot become immune to SaniBulbs™ sanitizing power which is stronger then conventional chemical based disinfectants like chlorine and ozone.


SaniBulb™ Removes Allergens & Irritants

If you are one of the over 50 million people in America suffering from allergies, SaniBulb™ can help you. SaniBulb™ will purify your air by destroying airborne allergens and irritants such as pollen, tobacco smoke and pet dander by simply turning on your light. Best of all, this safe product eliminates the need for harmful chemicals and UV light commonly used for sanitizing. Fighting allergies has never been easier.


SaniBulb™ Destroys Deadly Pollutants

Indoor air pollution is caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and chemical contaminants released from various products, appliances and equipment. It is a serious health threat and must be eliminated to provide a safe, healthy and productive environment. A simple and effective way to destroy harmful chemical pollutants like formaldehyde, styrene and toluene is to switch to SaniBulb™ from incandescent lights. The nano photocatalytic technology employed in this product will oxidize noxious chemical contaminants into harmless carbon dioxide and water by simply switching on a light bulb!


SaniBulb™ Eliminates Unpleasant Odors Safely

If you are currently using air fresheners, scented gels, aerosols or plug-in fresheners, you could be exposed to harmful chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde and pthalates which tend to be emitted from these products. These chemicals have been linked to breathing difficulties, development problems in babies and cancer in lab animals according to the Sierra Club, The Natural Resources Defense Council, Alliance for Healthy Homes and the National Center for Healthy Housing. When you switch to SaniBulb™, you will be destroying odors safely instead of masking them with deadly chemicals. It is ideal for any place you have persistent odors and is a healthy alternative to harmful chemical based deodorizers.


SaniBulb™ Helps Comply with Indoor Air Quality Regulations

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations have Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) for hazardous chemicals. In order to provide workers a safe environment, companies are responsible for ensuring their employees are not overexposed to hazardous substances. Most other countries also have similar regulations to ensure a safe workplace and fines can be steep for non compliance in addition to negative publicity. A simple switch to SaniBulb™ can help any company create a safer environment to comply with indoor air quality regulations by destroying deadly pollutants.


Environmental Benefits of Switching to SaniBulb™

SaniBulb™ Helps Fight Global Warming

Light is powered mainly by coal burning power plants and natural gas, both of which create greenhouse gases (GHG) that cause global warming. The EPA estimates that 1.535 lbs of greenhouse gases are released into the a™osphere for every kilowatt hour of electricity generated by a coal-fired plant.

Replacing a single 100 watt conventional incandescent light bulb with a 25 watt SaniBulb™ can prevent more than 169 pounds of coal from being burned and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 814 pounds over the lifetime of the bulb. This is over 4,000 times SaniBulbs™ own weight in greenhouse gases!!

Looking at the big picture, it is estimated that if every American swapped a single incandescent bulb with a CFL, it would collectively save $8 billion in energy costs, prevent burning 30 billion pounds of coal and remove 2 million cars worth of green house gas emissions from our environment. Now imagine what a difference we can make if we switched all our incandescent light bulbs to SaniBulb™.

Never before have so many people had so much power to do something as simple as changing a light bulb to fight global warming while improving indoor air quality and saving money!


SaniBulb™ Prevents Other Pollution Too

Coal-fired power plant smokestacks are also a big threat to health. In addition to releasing carbon dioxide (CO2), they also release sulfur dioxide (main cause of acid rain), nitrogen oxide (causes smog and acid rain), radioactive pollutants (can release more than a nuclear power plant) and particulates. These deadly pollutants could lead to heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks and premature deaths. Using SaniBulb™ will help reduce this pollution and smog by using less energy and contributing to a safer environment. Furthermore, it can also help reduce the negative impacts from radioactive waste and hydroelectic plants.


SaniBulb™ Makes your Lighting Carbon Neutral

While CFLs use 75% less electricity than their incandescent counterparts, they still require some electricity, which results in carbon dioxide emissions. We use a portion of the proceeds from the sale of each bulb to offset the carbon dioxide emissions that will be generated by SaniBulb™ over its entire life, making it a true carbon neutral product. The carbon offsets are made by donations of our CFLs through qualified reputable organizations so they have an immediate and real impact on global warming unlike planting of trees which could take many years to produce the same impact. We clearly state the Total Carbon Footprint Reduction (sum of the carbon reduction from converting from incandescent bulbs plus the free carbon offsets for the SaniBulbs™) you will experience when you switch to any of our SaniBulbs™.


SaniBulb™ Reduces your Overall Carbon Footprint

By using the single multi tasking SaniBulbs™ instead of electrically powered air purifiers and incandescent lights, you will be using less energy by retiring redundant appliances and inefficient lighting. Furthermore, by discontinuing the use of chemically based sanitizers and deodorizers you will further reduce your carbon footprint since these products are consumables that require a significant amount of energy and resources to produce. Therefore, by using our carbon neutral SaniBulbs™ you will be generating less carbon dioxide and reducing your overall carbon footprint in addition to making your lighting totally carbon neutral.


Savings from Switching to SaniBulb™

SaniBulb™ Reduces your Energy Consumption by 75%!

SaniBulb™ is starting to light the way to a more energy efficient tomorrow and their popularity is not surprising. Compared to the energy guzzling old fashioned incandescent light bulb technology, Sanibulbs™ extreme energy efficiency is nothing short of dazzling. A 25 watt SaniBulb™ provides an equivalent of 100 watts of traditional incandescent light resulting in energy savings of about 75%.

Due to the enormous potential to increase energy savings and reduce pollution, various organizations have undertaken a variety of creative measures to encourage the adoption of CFLs. In addition, governments across the globe have taken (e.g. US, Canada, Australia & Ireland) or are considering strong measures to encourage adoption of CFLs or to entirely displace incandescent light bulbs. Ireland will be the first country to implement a ban in 2009 and Australia will phase out incandescent lights by 2010. USA and Canada have also committed to phasing out incandescent lights starting in 2012.


SaniBulb™ Saves Money!

Although the up-front cost of a SaniBulb™ is higher than a standard incandescent bulb, the cost savings over the life of the bulb can be striking since it is much more energy efficient, lasts 10 times longer and it eliminates the need for expensive and harmful chemical based air sanitizers, purifiers and deodorizers. Let's consider a conservative example for switching to a single SaniBulb™. Assume that:

You switch one 100 watt incandescent bulb with a 25 watt SaniBulb™ that produces the same amount of light.

SaniBulb™ lasts 8,000 hours.

A standard incandescent bulb costs $0.50 and lasts 750 hours. Therefore, 10 standard bulbs are required to last as long as the one SaniBulb™ for a total cost of $5.

The cost of electricity is $0.101/kWh which is a 2006 estimate. It is closer to $0.17 - $0.20/kWh in areas like the Northeast.

You currently use about $60/year chemical based deodorizer, sanitizer or filter consumables which you could eliminate by switching to SaniBulb™. Over the 8000 hour SaniBulb™ life span, it would save $300.


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