Ice Melter

Firestorm™ Intense Ice Melters
Starts melting instantly - faster than most other ice melting products
Prevents refreezing even under the most challenging conditions
Safe for children and pets, will not burn skin, and gentle on vegetation
Distinctive orange colour is easy to see, allowing you to use less while ensuring safety for pedestrians
Magnesium chloride is less toxic than baking soda
Melts down to -25°F/-32°C
Natural Choice™ Ice Melters
Eco-friendly ice melter
Natural Choice™ is an all-natural ice melter with an organic additive that improves its performance
Natural Choice™ green marker assists in proper application to reduce environmental impact
Natural Choice™ performance with ecology in mind
This additive also acts as a corrosion inhibitor to reduce metal fatigue
Melts down to –11º F / -24º C